

Okay Baseball Fans...
It was a VERY baseball week last week. Adam worked on an ever-changing DC Nationals spot for the home-opener last Thursday. He worked late, or early--whichever you prefer--all week. We were excited to go the game and even more excited to see the fruits of his labor. Well, since Georgie was in the house to throw out the first pitch, the security was higher than Boston's Logan... okay, let's just say higher than at an airport. I now blame Georgie for missing Adam's video and all of the first inning. Actually the fact that RFK pretty much sucks, the gates to enter are all in one spot, and the anti-DC baseball protesters were blocking our entrance didn't help us get in any faster. I digress... Oh yeah, the metro situation didn't help much either. The game was good, the Nats won, the hotdogs were pretty bad, and the beer was cold ($6). Did I mention our seats? They are the first row of the second level (slight overhang action), between homeplate and first. Not shabby. Looking straight ahead of me, I can see the back of George Will's head. I think he wears a wig. Well, maybe not--who'd pick one that bad?

Saturday's trip to Camden Yards started off sunny and we, as Yankee fans, were optimistic. The drive from our place to Baltimore clocked less than 40 minutes--not bad. The game was great, the Yankees had the lead for the better part of the game, and there seemed to be more Yankee fans than Orioles fans. Our seats were great (thanks Dad), the weather was not too hot or cold, and the beer was cold ($5.75). The hotdogs were slightly better. I can't compare CY to RFK, there isn't any comparison. If you've never been to CY, I highly recommend it. Baltimore's Inner Harbor isn't bad either.

I can't report on Sunday's Nationals game, since I opted out to prepare for my first day of work at the new job (I'll report on that later.) All I can say is the Nats won and Adam had three beers. He says the sausage sucked at both stadiums.

Have to go, 24 is on.


Much to Change

on my blog and in my life....

No, I am not pregnant.

As many of you know, I have recently moved from Somerville, MA to Takoma Park, MD. We have been looking for a permanent place to live since last September to no avail. Actually we found seven places to live but none panned out. Well, the eighth time is a charm my friends.

You are reading the blog of a soon-to-be homeowner. We purchased a brick Cape-style house in Silver Spring and get to move in April 29th. Soon thereafter I expect the reunion of a woman and her stuff. Glorious stuff--furniture (otherwise known as a place to store my socks and underwear), summer clothes, good blowdryer, my PC, dishes, pots and pans, photographs, my couch--ahhhh stuff.

I am no longer unemployed. Well that's not true, I will no longer be unemployed on April 18th. The short version of a long story (I mean looooong story) is that I will be the new part time archivist at a very well-endowed private museum in DC. By well-endowed I mean money, not mammaries (credit to Jill for the term) or testicles. It is a beautiful estate with a greenhouse and Japanese garden. I am very excited to start working there--20 hours per week! Thanks to all you references out there--you said all the right things. The other place was disappointed when I turned them down.

In baseball news, we are sharing Nationals season tickets and because Adam received last pick, we got opening day tickets as well. Yay for us. It will be a very baseball weekend since we also have Orioles/Yankees tix on Saturday and Nationals tix for Sunday. Oh yeah, Adam is working on the Nationals Opening Day video. Should be cool to be there and see his work up on the Jumbotron.

It has been a pretty good week. Maybe we should buy a lottery ticket!?

Still No Tools

or html abilities. I have finally figured out my blogging "issues." My version of Safari is old but I can't upgrade it until I upgrade OS but I can't upgrade OS until I get my stuff out of storage. Craptacular!