
The Coffee Down Here Sucks!

One of the things that has saved me from missing my Beantown too, too much is the almost daily fix at my local D*nkin’ D0nuts. It’s 4 miles from home but I have to drive by on my way to work anyway, so why not stop in? Never fear, on the days I don’t work a full supply of the DD is kept at home. Well….. On my way to work Monday, I buzzed my car into the parking lot of the strip mall where my DD is located, and I thought to myself, “Sweet, not many cars, no lines, I’ll be in and out in like no time.” (Okay, like 6 minutes—DD is notoriously slow.) As I started to get out of my car I realized why there were no cars in the lot. D*NKIN’ D0NUTS WAS GONE!!! Oh, the humanity!

I know, many of you might say it is not a big deal--especially my beloved Mass-tonians--drive two blocks down and go to the other one. Well, there is no other one. The next closest DD is 5 miles from home, in the other direction. You see, we only have six DD in greater Washington, DC. It has been a sad, sad week. St@rbucks sucks.

In other news:
-We have a floor in the kitchen and will have a counter-top later this week. The sink and ice maker hook-ups follow the next weekend when Adam’s dad comes to put the final touches on the project. If you’d like to see progress so far, you can visit http://homepage.mac.com/adam_corey/PhotoAlbum24.html.
-We have moles or voles that have made holes all over the yard, so we are trying to decide how to get rid of them. It is not going to be an “animal friendly” solution folks. Sorry, but it’s just not.
-We finally painted and moved back into our bedroom. It has been over two months since I have slept in my own bed and it has been the best two nights sleep I have had in months.
-Adam and I both had our Annual Reviews at work (imagine that MBELftBoH peeps) and it looks like we are both staying here and at our jobs.
-Heading to a wedding this weekend, meaning lots o’company. Five people using one shower (not at the same time) is not going to be pretty.

That’s all for now folks.


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