
Nothing like:

1.5 days left of work
1.5 weeks worth of actual work expected from me
a last minute request for a Trustee meeting
interviewing a candidate to replace me at work with 1 day left
exit interviews
a car inspection that was up this month and having to move days after paying for the renewal
lunch at purple Thai
coffee from the Dunk
going away parties with cake
"acting" and singing at the same time (JLo, will you ever learn?)
$9.60 left on my Starbucks card
a personal visit from SID



The good news is, not that I'm counting, I only have 4 days of work left! The bad news is, that I only have 4 days of work left.

Have you ever not worked? I have. It seems great for about a week--it's like a vacation without going anywhere. When I moved to Boston I didn't have a job lined up but I needed to find one ASAP. I spent most of my days unpacking and sending out resumes. We were settled in about a week and a half. Then I started calling Adam everyday to find out what time he would be home and what he wanted for dinner. It sucked and he was ready to KILL me, hell I was ready to kill me. I didn't really know anyone or the people I knew lived an hour away and had jobs. Go figure. Six weeks later, he was sorry. I worked in New Hampshire and he was lucky if he got dinner once a week.

Fast forward seven years. We are moving to DC, I have no job, my friends who live there have jobs, and the difference this time? We have no place to live and I don't have to get a job ASAP. Oh yeah, and I promised Adam I wouldn't call him everyday to ask what time he'll be home and what he wants for dinner.

I expect many visits from the MA. Spring hits much earlier in DC. Okay, DC has Spring.